• Can I place an order? Will you deliver the package?
    Yes, however, delivery times may be longer than usual. You can find updated delivery times on the product detail page for each item, and in checkout. Do not use delivery addresses for buildings that may be closed due to the current provisions (e.g. schools). Please also provide us with contact number while updating the address details.
    We are committed to fast and free shipping all year, including on millions of items available for Express Delivery. We continue to make regular, critical updates to our logistics, transportation, supply chain, and other processes, while adhering to extensive health and safety measures to protect our associates as they pick, pack and ship products, to meet our demand and improve delivery speeds. We’ve also added capacity in our network and hired new employees and announced plans to hire more full- and part-time employees, plus an additional seasonal employees to supplement our current workforce.
    When you return an item, your refund amount and refund method may vary. You can check the payment method that was refunded and the status of your refund in Your Orders. You can check the status of your refund in "My Account".
  • What are we doing to keep customers and employees safe i COvid19 situation?
    We prioritize the safety and health of our employees and have invested millions of dollars to provide a safe workplace, which is why at the onset of the pandemic we moved quickly to make more than 150 COVID-19 related process changes– from enhanced cleaning and social distancing measures to supplying personal protective gear such as masks and gloves. We’ve implemented temperature checks, disinfectant spraying, and are piloting COVID testing at many of our sites.
  • Is it possible to reduce contact with drivers when they deliver my orders?
    Yes. our delivery partners have been advised to reduce contact with customers by placing packages at the customer's doorstep and stepping back. If an ID check is required, these are now performed at a distance. You can also choose a safe location where the driver can leave your package if you are not able to answer the door. To provide delivery instructions, please go to Your Addresses and select "Add delivery instructions" for the address you want to update.
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Komal’s Passion Leather is a small family business based in Chicago, Illinois. It was born out of a young girl’s passion for creating exquisite handmade leather articles. It all started in a small town called Lynchburg Tennessee, Where Komal, A Handmade Leather Artist, Started giving shapes to her creativity and started offering her creations to clients through shelves on Coffee shops, Gas stations and super markets. In a couple of years, The customer feedback motivated her to do better and go bigger and the growing demand for her product made her reach out to other artists like her from around the world. Moving to Chicago in 2012 gave wings to her dream and her co-workers in Bank of America, Inspired her to go online and sell her products to a wider range of clients based all across the United States. Past 5 Years, Our businesses Komal’s Passion Leather and KomalC now support and import from their handicraft artists and offer a much wider range of handmade leather articles to clients across the globe. But the fundamentals are still the same, Offering Handmade exclusive quality and the best service to their customers.
Last updated on November 24, 2020.